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Puerto Vallarta informationer først på
dansk senere på engelsk.
Vejrudsigten, også for de kommende 10 dage.
Brug Smart-Cards til f.eks
100 pesos og på en skærm kan du se, hvor lang taletid, der er tilbage. Det er
billigere end alt andet.
Som fodgænger bør man være varsom, når man krydser
gaden, for trafikkulturen er noget anderledes end i Danmark. Selv
buschaufførerne synes ofte at have travlt.
Der er mange små vaskerier, hvor man for et rimeligt beløb
kan få vasket sit tøj og tilbageleveret det allerede samme dag.
Udover hotellerne er der mange andre steder, hvor man kan
få sendt/checket sine e-mails. Det koster som regel 10 pesos for 15
Når man spadserer ad strandpromenaden Malecon bliver man ofte tiltalt af unge
mennesker, hvis hovedformål med evt. konversation er at sælge en
Timeshare-lejlighed. Prøv så vidt mulig at undgå enhver form for kontakt med
disse snedige sælgere.
Højsæsonen er fra oktober til maj. Temperaturen ligger som
regel mellem 25 og 30 grader evt. med et par regndage pr. måned. Fra april og
frem til juni/juli bliver det en del varmere, mellem 30 og 35 grader, og meget
mere fugtigt. Sent på eftermiddagen kan det regne et par timer, undertiden med
torden. I den periode bliver junglen mere og mere grøn. Den deciderede regntid
strækker sig fra juni til oktober.
![]() |
Rio Cuale |
Husk, at 'Mañana' ikke nødvendigvis betyder imorgen. Det betyder i hvert fald
ikke idag.
Husk, at de lokale normalt først begynder aftensmåltidet
ved 9-tiden. Der findes et rigt udvalg af etniske restauranter.
Mange mennesker kommer til Puerto Vallarte bare for
at blive gift. Man kan blive gift i kirken, på stranden, i junglen, ja nærmest
hvor som helst.
SEAPAL står for den lokale vandforsyning. Ifølge WHO er
vandet rent og sikkert nok.
Der ligger badestrande, både nord og syd for byen. Se evt.
kortet her.
Bank and Credit CardsIf your hometown bank card is one with "Interact,""Cirrus" or "Plus" printed on it, you can use it at cash machines located thoughout PV. Funds are withdrawn from your account in pesos according to the exchange rate that day. All major credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, restaurants and shops.
BusesGetting around the city on bus is a very inexpensive way to travel. Fares anywhere in town are $4.00 pesos, which equals about 40 cents. Buses can be caught at nearly every corner and run from early morning until 11 p.m. There is even bus service for out-of-town trips. For $12.00 pesos you can visit Bucerias, and $14.00 pesos will take you to Punta Mita. Larger more comfortable buses make the 5-hour trip to Guadalajara for around $278.00 pesos or to Mexico City in 12 hours for approximately $630.00 pesos.
Consumer Affairs"Profeco" Tel. 222-2554 or 222-2555
CurrencyPesos are the currency used in Mexico. Bills come in denominations of $500, $200, $100, $50 and $20 pesos. Coins are in denominations of $1, $2, $5 and $10 pesos and 5,10,20 and 50 centavos. The exchange rate fluctuates daily. Exchange rates vary widely from exchange booths and from bank to bank.
DocumentsWhen you enter Mexico you are given a tourist card, which you must return when you leave. If you lose the card, you will need to go to the Mexican Immigration office at Marina Park to obtain another. You will need proof of how you entered the country-such as a plane ticket-and identification-driver's license, passport, birth certificate or voters registration card. These are the same means of identification needed to cross the border into Mexico.
DressThe dress in Puerto Vallarta is very casual. Shorts and T-shirts are the order of the day. At night, men can be seen in casual slacks at the more upscale restaurants and events, ladies in light summer-type dresses. In the winter months, bring a sweater for evenings. Sun hats and cover-ups are a good idea, and don't forget the sun block.
DrugsMexico is under Napoleonic law, which means you are GUILTY until proven innocent - got the picture?
ElectricityMexico uses 110 volt-60 current, the same as the U.S.A. and Canada. No adapters are needed, however three-prong adapters are good to bring along.
EmergenciesPolice Tel. 060 (similar to 911 in the United States); for non-emergencies, call 222-0123 or 223-2500.
Fire Department Tel. 060; for non emergencies, call 225-0000 or 225-0018.
Hospital and Medical ServicesAmeri Med American Hospital: 221-0023 or 221-0024
San Javier Hospital : 223-1919
CMQ Hospita:l 223-0878, 222-3572 or 222-4395
Private Ambulance: 225-0386
Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Ambulancia: 222-1533 or 222-4973
Local TimePuerto Vallarta is in the Central Time Zone (the same as Texas), which is two hours ahead of California and one hour behind New York.
TaxisWith more than 1,000 taxis in town, there is no problem hailing one. Taxi fares are set in PV; the average fare is around $30 pesos or $2.90 USD. A trip across town-from the Marina to Los Muertos Beach-will run about $60 pesos or $6.00 USD.
Fares are posted in each taxi, the daily newspaper and most major hotels. Asking about the fare before you get in may save you a few pesos.
TelephonesTelmex is the only telephone company in Mexico. Rates are higher here for long distance than in many other countries.
Calling without a card after 8 p.m. will save you 33%. If using a public phone, dial 95 then the area code and number. The Mexican long distance company is Ladatel; they have phones on nearly every street corner and in many hotels. You can purchase phone cards at local vendors around town for use in these phones, a much less expensive way to call home given the 60% tax placed on all international calls.
Tourist OfficeThe Puerto Vallarta Tourist Office is located downtown in the Presidencia Municipal building. They can answer travel questions and are a good resource for information about Puerto Vallarta. The local number is 222-0242 or 222-0243. From the U.S.A. call 011 52 (322) 222-0242. The Mexico Tourist office can be reached at (800) 446-3942.
WaterWhile the water in Puerto Vallarta is some of the best in Mexico and is tested regularly, it is wiser to stick with bottled water. Most restaurants, bars and hotels use purified water, to be sure just ask. If cooking or preparing vegetables for salads, use products such as "Microdyn" to purify the water you soak them in.
WeatherPuerto Vallarta is on the same parallel as Hawaii, thus shares the same tropical weather patterns. PV enjoys nearly 300 sunny days a year, with temperatures averaging 28C or 82F. During the winter months daily temperatures are between 78-85F , cooling to around 70F at night. The rainy season starts in mid-June and lasts till mid-October, bringing tropical rains and temperatures in the 90s with very high humidity. The hottest months are August and September.