
Clothing - Sportive and summer
clothes like cotton are the most appropriate. Don't forget casual dress
clothes for nightlife and fine dining also.
Tips: As a general guideline, in
restaurants and bars the usual tip is included (services), corresponding
to 10% of the bill. Hotel porters will take it, depending on the luggage
you have, you can tip them with R$ 2 to R$ 5. Most of the prices of items
and services have already the Brazilian federal taxes included.
Electrical Power - 110 volts
Useful phones and general
miles from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Area telephone code: 55-22
Postal code: 28925-000
Population: about 10000 people
- At Banco do Brasil S/A
Estrada José Bento Ribeiro Dantas - Shopping Praia do Canto
Phone: 55-22-2623-2009 / 2623-2302
- At local exchange and tour agencies
Banks in Búzios:
- Banco do Brasil
- Bradesco
- Banco Real
- Unibanco
- Itaú
- 24 hours bank (At Praça Santos Dumont)
Post Office
Pça. Santos Dummont, 111 - Downtown
Phone: 55-22 2623-1640
Tourism Secretariat
Pórtico de Búzios, S/Nº
Tourism Secretary: Isac Tilinger
Phone: 55-22 2623-2099 / 0800-24999 - 24h
Tourism Secretariat - Kiosk
Praça Santos Dumont, 111 Downtown
Phone: 55-22 2623-2099 / 0800-24999 - from 9 AM to 22PM
City Hall
Mayor: Delmires Braga
Praça Santos Dumont - Downtown
Phone: 55-22 2623-1143
Police I
Phone: 55-22 2629-1281
Police II
Phone: 55-22 2623-1340
Local Newspapers
Cybercafe: Búzios Cybar
Shopping de Búzios Lj.4 - Downtown
Phone: 55-22 2623-2969
Sant'Ana's Church
Trav. Sant'Ana S/Nº - Ladeira da Praia dos Ossos
Phone: 55-22 2623-6530
Port Authorities (Cabo Frio)
Phone: 55-22 643-2840 / 2643-2774
Nautical Chart
Number 1504
Hospitals and Clinics
Clínica Búzios - 24H
Est. J. B. Ribeiro Dantas, 3000 - Manguinhos.
Phone: 55-22 2623-2465 / 2623-6000
Downtown Médico & Odontológico
de Búzios - 24H R: César Augusto São Luiz, 100 - Downtown
Telefone: 55-22 2623-2919
Policlínica Municipal Dr.
Carlos Ernesto Stevenson de Oliveira
Rua dos Búzios S/Nº - Manguinhos
Telefone: 55-22 2623-2171
Posto Paulo Ackeman
Telefone: 55-22 2620-8114
Rua Manoel Turíbio de Farias - Downtown
PU - 24H
Av. José Bento ribeiro Dantas, nº 2000 - Manguinhos
Phone: 55-22 2623 2419 or 192 (local only)
Bus Companies and Terminals
Búzios Bus Station
Estrada da Usina - Downtown
Phone: 55-22 2623-2050
Rio de Janeiro - Novo Rio Bus
Phone: 55-21 291-5151
Cabo Frio Bus Station
Phone: 55-22 2643-1521
Auto Viação 1001 (Bus Company)
Phone: 0800-25-1001
Auto Viação Salineira (Bus
Phone: 55-22-2645-5454 - 0800 245454
Ponto Praça Santos Dumont -
Phone: 55-22 2623-2160 / 2623-6169
Búzios Rádio Táxi - Phone:
55-22 2623-1911 / 2623-2892
Ponto Shopping Nº 01 - Phone:
55-22 2623 2160 / 2623 6169
Roads and Highways
Ponte SA (BR 101) - 55-21
Via Lagos (RJ 124) - 55-22 2665
6565 / 55-22 2665 6868 / 55-21 747-8146
Police of Rio de Janeiro State
- 55-21 2625 1530 - 24h.
Federal Police - 55-21
2471-5822 / 55-21 2471-6111 (24h)
DNER - 55-21 2471-0171
Umberto Modiano Airport -
Phone: 55-22 629-1225
Cabo Frio International Airport
Phone: 55-22 2644 5277
Santos Dumont Airport - Rio de
Phone: (21) 3814 7070
Rio de Janeiro International
Phone: (21) 3398 5050 / 3398 4526 / 3398 4527